December 01, 2010

Day of Our Virgin of Guadalupe

San Juan Diego

  The history about this holiday started on December 12, 1531 when an Indian name Juan Diego was seeking water for his uncle he saw a vision of a Virgin, she instructed him to go to Mexico City’s high church officials and tell them to build a church on that site on her name, when Juan Diego told them what he saw and what he was send him to do they didn’t believed him, asking him to go back and to bring a proof of what he say was true.When he went back, where he saw the Virgin and told her no one believe him she poured some roses on his cloak (is a kind of apron). After this, Juan Diego run to the Church in Mexico he fell on his knees and when the roses fell on the ground they noticed an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe got impress on Juan Diego’s cloak, the officials without thinking twice order to built the church.


     Since then in Mexico, people celebrate the day Our Virgin of Guadalupe every December 12, people from all over Mexico travel to the Chapel Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City, where the Virgin of Guadalupe is said to be have appeared doing some perigrinaciones, this is a walk the people go on they carry an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe while they are praying and singing. December 12 is a very important date in the Mexico Culture, on this date the Mexican people celebrate the day that our Virgin of Guadalupe appear.  


     Mexico is known as a very catholic city, this is why this holiday is very important for the Mexican people. The people celebrate by going to church and thank the virgin of Guadalupe for being healthy and they families, when the people finish praying they do traditional dances outside of the Basilica of Guadalupe, this is the church they build on the Virgin’s name. Parents dress little girls like the virgin of Guadalupe and little boys as a Juan Diego and take them to the churches to see the virgin, other people sell Mexican food for example tamales, pozole,bunuelos, and Mexican tradition drinks like ponche and atole, the carnival comes to town, people make games where people can get a price if they win.

Basilica De Guadalupe 
   In Mexico, it is very important to be Catholic and keep celebrating this holiday, it shows that people try to keep this traditions and to pass it along to their kids.Being Catholic is not only celebrated by going to the carnival and eat the food or have fun; is about hoe proud you are to be a Mexican and the responsibility  and values that comes with it by believing on what your Religion and family  teach you.

Traditional Dances to celebrate Day of Lady Of Guadalupe

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